Te Waka Whaiora Trust
About us
Te Waka Whaiora Trust Kaupapa Māori services is an Indigenous, localised, whānau-centred designed by Māori, with Māori, underpinned by Māori models of practice organisation.
Our services are available to all ethnicities choosing to receive services from a Kaupapa Māori paradigm.
Services are provided in a manner that reflects Māori aims and aspirations, which values both Māori and non-Māori in accordance with the articles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi as Aotearoa founding document and implements the principles of true partnership, participation, and protection equalling Whānau Ora.
Te Whare Tapa Whā describes six (6) strategic focus areas. The six strategic focus areas, Te Taha Hinengaro (psychological health), Te Taha Tinana (physical health), Te Taha Whānau (family health), Te Taha Wairua (spiritual health), Taha Reo (Language) and Taha Whenua (cultural and environmental). This will define health and wellbeing for Tangata motuhake and their whānau.
The inter-generational perspective provides for a continuum of effective responses where the health of current and future generations can be nurtured and protected, where those who develop mental health and addiction issues have ready access to needed help before their problems become too severe, and where there are excellent resources available for Tangata motuhake who despite the best efforts of all develop enduring or serious illnesses.
Our Services
Services are provided in a manner that reflects Māori aims and aspirations, which values both Māori and non-Māori in accordance with the articles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi as Aotearoa founding document and implements the principles of true partnership, participation, and protection equalling Whānau Ora
Primary Mental Health and Addiction Access and Choice
Kaupapa Māori Primary Mental Health and Addiction
Enhanced Primary and Community Support for People with Addiction
Out of Gate supporting offenders to successfully reintegrate back into the community
Home Based Support. Kaupapa Māori Community Based Clinical and Support Service
Navigation. Kaupapa Māori Package of Care Service
Adult Crisis Respite Service
Sustaining Tenancies
Forensic Mental Health Services - Community Based Intensive Service for Recovery
Adult Mental Health Services - Housing and Recovery Services
Our core values
United we take our journey, one heart, one mind, one voice
Everyone within the community takes responsibility for the achievement of this vision. In unison a group can navigate a waka through both turbulent and calm waters. This requires everyone on the waka to support each other in times of trial and in times of joy. Our responsibility is to support and encourage our whānau to greater well-being.
The TWWT tohu utilizes the analogy of the waka. It serves as a vehicle to support the achievement of wellness. In order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness, all participants in the waka must row in unison. The tohu symbolizes the fact that no matter where you sit on the waka, your contribution is meaningful to the achievement of the wider goals and objectives.
Mahi tahi (co-operation);
Manaakitanga (caring);
Te pono, kia tika te mahi (honesty and trustworthiness);
Whakamana (honour);
Whaia te iti kahurangi (professionalism);
Kia ngatahi te hoe (unity).
Our vision
Our Mission
‘Awhi mai awhi atu’
Whānau support is our vehicle for transformation
Our operations are underpinned by principles and beliefs that when weaved together provide a foundation for us to work alongside whānau in recognizing and acknowledging their diversity, supporting greater independence in a meaningful culturally appropriate way.
TWWT will deliver services through our delivery model called Te Ara Tika.